Rebekah is like that friend I feel like I have known forever!! Work Collaborations have brought us together but as the images portray she is the Lady you sit in Coffee Shops with and list out all the goals you want conquer and you leave feeling you did just that! From Chic style to a heart of gold and a fabulous eye for interior design! Follow Rebekah at The Blissfulnest for all the latest designer trends.
(Nerdvana Coffee sales Gourmet Delicious Coffee & Their Cinnamon Rolls are out of this world!! 😉 )
I'm a professional Influencer + Brand Photographer and Marketing Strategist that curates content to elevate your online and social media presence that results in an increase in sales.
Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand.
Founder & CEO of AD Media Group, a Professional Photographer, Marketing Strategist, and passionate about Entrepreneurship.