Hey Girl!!! Hey Lovely !! Hey Doll!!!
Yes I know so cliche but I promise if we work together I am sure to call you one of these names I am so Southern ! I say Yes Sir , yes Ma’am not out of age just Texas Respect, it happens 😉 !!
If we haven’t met yet, let me say Hello Doll my Name Is Audrie Dollins I am an Influencer and Branding Photographer that lives in Frisco, Texas but my kiddos go to Prosper ISD ( It’s all about zoning friends 😉 )!!!
I work hard and produce quality imagery for you to love for years to come…………. And if you can’t laugh with me you won’t want to work with me !! My smile just can’t stop, won’t stop, and Id love to share some laughter with you during some amazing moments we capture together!!
Ok Ok we are friends now soooo, I have so much to tell you and so many ideas and goals you are going to want to say wow slow down you need a drink or Oxygen! Lol !! ( Yes I just used LOL and A run on sentence , and I missed punctuation/spelling I know, but I am a photographer not a writer , but hey , Im working on it, totally Human over here .)
I am excited to start incorporating every so often things about ME, because People are interesting , and I promise you will learn that the journey isn’t always rainbows and butterflies but rocky roads to meet goals that in the end are what make the journey worth while.
Quick Info About This Nikon Shooting Texas Girl!!
-I am 36 years old and if you are reading this my Birthday is in September of 83 so if this goes un-updated just add the years. I am not ashamed of my age I am grateful for each year God blesses me to be here.
-I am married to an entrepreneur , tell it like it is ( even if it hurts) , bearded & HANDSOME Texas Man !! He is the Sunglasses to my Sunny Days !!
( if you know him he wears sunglasses like every second even in family pics so that’s a great analogy , just saying)
-I am a Mother of TWO gorgeous, well behaved kiddos that love sports! I love that we all share this love and passion! These two keep the breath in my body! My absolute world these two are.
I have such passion to do what I do capturing images for Infleuncers, Brands, & Businesses because I relate so much to the why behind the scenes. Creating a strategy to tell your businesses’ story and using imagery to shine the light on something you have sacrificed so much for is what it’s all about to me. I want the work I help capture and create for my clients be what pulls people to gravitate to their work, brand, or product and accelerated their business to the next level.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me !!
Capture. Brand. Engage my dear friends!!
Audrie Dollins
Being Yourself Makes For The Prettiest of Pictures!!!
I'm a professional Influencer + Brand Photographer and Marketing Strategist that curates content to elevate your online and social media presence that results in an increase in sales.
Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand.