Free Photography Workflow Download

  1. Cayson Spinks says:

    Love this and will be using it 😍 even though it’s very close to how I do my stuff! I may have learned from someone with a similar workflow 😉

  2. Brittany says:

    Crazy! We have almost the same workflow. Only difference is, I use Shootproof for my galleries. I’d love to try out Photo Mechanic. Seems like it would speed up the culling process, for sure! 😀
    Great post, by the way.

  3. Dannielle Rankin says:

    Love this post! It’s actually informative and clean! Clutter is distracting! My work flow currently is uploading all the pictures into my Lightroom and going through them in Lightroom! I tend to overshoot so I think something like this would help me remove the clutter and be less distracting when editing!! I need this in my life!! Thank you so much for the awesome tips!

  4. Stacey Gore says:

    This Blog is awesome! I’ve always wanted to see your workflow and just shadow you and this definitely gives a glimpse! This was very informative and I look forward to see more posts like this!! Thank you for the tips!

  5. Victoria says:

    My favorite way to cut down editing time is to copy & paste my settings to a large group of photos from the same time/settings. Helps so much and then you can just make minor tweaks if needed!

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Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand. 

Founder & CEO of AD Media Group, a Professional Photographer, Marketing Strategist, and passionate about Entrepreneurship. 

Audrie DOllins

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