In this season of my life I cling to coffee, clarity, and rationalization of this God-given drive to be a “successful” Entrepreneur .
I am sharing with you today my favorite books, podcasts, and more!!
You can also Pre-Order Her New Release !! Girl, Stop Apologizing Now!!!
Why I love educating with reading , podcasts, and more as I reached the season in my life to educate myself with the Gifts from God and how to properly channel them.
I was the dreamer, the kid that took the words serious that you can be anything you want if you just put your mind to it and work hard enough. I heard it over and over in school assemblies as a kid. In-between all the hustle and bustle of school years of being ” so cool” I found confidence in that, but just never really knew exactly what it was that I wanted to be.I just felt in my core I was going to be the best at what came my way and stand out while doing it. Deep down I knew whatever I did, I would do it with passion. After all, that is me to the fullest extent. If you get me talking about something I care about and a fire will glow in my eyes. Okay not real fire, but a sparkle in these hazels may be seen. I loved sports in school and channeled my passion and competitive drive through those outlets. I was often considered the girl with the attitude but misunderstood by my passion and vibrance to succeed and stand out. When given the chance by a teacher, a coach, or a friend they would immediately see there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them or the goal that was wanting to be achieved. Even with school studies, if I loved it I was amazing at it and would have passion flowing out my ears, If I disagreed or didn’t like the subject …. well of course I shared that passionate opinion too. it’s engrained in me like that year lines in a tree.
Oh how I am Passionate in all the ways, that well sometimes aren’t so great. Passion can be crippling but it also can be the one thing that gets you over the hardest of obstacles. Therefore I cling to reading, podcasts, and any knowledge to help me properly direct my passionate intensity to frankly reach each level of success I create and conquer on a continuous basis. Did you listen closely? Each level of success I create that I feel I need to conquer. That’s my brain, my idea of success isn’t one thing. Success is a growing beast that lives inside of me, To me the word success is the fluctuating goal that some days can motivate me or some days bring me to my knees… On those days I pour the coffee strong and educate my mind.
That’s why I am sharing with you some of my Favorite Books to Purchase ( Yes I said purchase.)I know you can read them on your Kindle , iPad , and any other cool gadget, but I want the book in your hand. I want you to write notes in them , re read them , and be that bad ass that gives it to their spouse, friend , or a stranger!! If any stranger is reading this and feels like they need to give me a book , come on with it! I am ready to educate and grow!!
I am a photographer. My main Business income is Photography. I run a 6 Figure Photography business going on 8 Years. Photography was my tool to step into the entrepreneurial world. Whoa, now before you say it, everyone is a photographer , blah blah . Thank you iPhones and Filters now hush and sit down. I look cute as a dog too but I run a real business and treat it as such. There are many sides of my business that would blow your mind and in the next posts ahead I am excited to take the step to educate you on what I do to run my growing company !! Maybe, just maybe, you’ll get lucky and I can throw some of the gory details of business growing pains!!
Okay I will stop talking about me and give you the low down of my favorite books and podcasts thus far that make this 5’3 , Feisty, and business loving lady feel I am not alone in this great big world!!! These items have changed my outlook, confirmed I am right where I need to be, confirmed where I will be, and even made me say no way I would never do that!! Happy Reading, Listening, and Growing !! Cheers to directing the success beast that lives inside of you!!
Hands down the one that opened my eyes the Entrepreneur that I one day will get to meet and WILL work with THE Jasmine Star ! Jasmine is a straight forward business strategist that will make you say YES !!!
When You want to Succeed as Bad as You want to Breathe…. Um that sentence alone is where it’s at!! I follow ET on all outlets. His Facebook Video Clips have me be that annoying repost person but his words are truth!! He has podcasts and more!!
Grant Cardone
I am not in real estate but it doesn’t matter. It’s all about getting your mind right with your Money! His straight forward style has me all kinds of clapping when I listen to him!! Thing big then multiply it X10!!
I feel everyone is an Influencer & The Tips and Grit her and her guests discuss in a Social Media Driven world it gives all Businesses insight on how to properly Brand and Market.
Jenna Kutcher is an amazing talent that brings conversation from so many entrepreneurs and breaks barriers about body image and more!!
Business meets fitness podcast. WHY I love here is she doesn’t just speak inspiration and make you feel all warm and fuzzy she is gives you actual steps to achieve and just not tooting their own entrepreneurial
I hope you loved my collection that I am currently on at this season in my life! Feel free to tell me your favorite books in the comments and if you start reading or listening to some of the goodies above!
Audrie Dollins
These are solely my opinions . The links are not affiliated with anyone and is not a sponsored post.
I'm a professional Influencer + Brand Photographer and Marketing Strategist that curates content to elevate your online and social media presence that results in an increase in sales.
Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand.