As we finally begin to resume “normal” life after Covid, we are beginning to see a come back of in person events. I believe in person events are extremely beneficial to your business and can aid in elevating your business overall! 74% of attendees say they have a more positive opinion about a company after attending their event.
In person event have been shown to boost your ROI or return of investment. This means that what you invest in these events have been shown to often have a greater return up 300%. According to, a Chicago based firm invested in a trade show across various different marketing platforms but kept in mind that their niche target audience would be attending this event, meaning they could market these products directly to their intended audience. By hosting this in person trade show event it helped them achieve an amazing 300% ROI resulting in elevating their brand significantly.
Another way in person events can elevate your business is by improving your brand engagement! According to, one if the main advantages of in person marketing at these events is the “immediate engagement among the target customers (or audience).” Like I mentioned previously, when you are hosting these in person events your specific target audience (the people that may be most influenced by you) are right there in front of you! This is huge for your brand as you will be receiving immediate engagement from your audience!
Social Media is a wonderful way to stay connected with your large audience, but it lacks one thing…in person interactions. Another one of the amazing perks to in person events is the fact that you get to actually meet your audience in person! This helps establish a relationship with them beyond the screen and can help you understand your target audience more! As Seth Godin once said, ” “People do not buy goods and services, they buy relations, stories and magic.”
When hosting an in person event it doesn’t need to look like a specific marketing ploy. You need to be yourself and allow clients to bounce ideas and ask questions about the direction you have taken and are taking your business. Instead a marketing sales atmosphere connect and think of your event as drawing your audience closer together! Also by hosting your event you are able to portray any ideal message that your are trying to promote or get across without a shop now button attached that can be pushy and inauthentic. This is great when you are trying to promote and or introduce something to your audience! They get to see your authentic self and relate to you one on one .
Lastly, and arguably the most beneficial reason to hosting in person events is the networking opportunities. When hosting your in person event, it’s serving as a big networking circle. This is a great time to converse with brand reps, marketing reps, and your audience to really get your brand message out there! You never know who knows who for something you may be a perfect fit for! After-all word of mouth is the best form
As always, Capture.Brand. Engage. Let’s Do Big Things!!
I hope you found these 5 reasons in person events can elevate your business helpful and maybe served as a little motivation to host your next event! As always if you are needing help in any aspect to elevate your business be sure to check out for more information!
I'm a professional Influencer + Brand Photographer and Marketing Strategist that curates content to elevate your online and social media presence that results in an increase in sales.
Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand.
[…] As simple as this sounds, engaging with your audience really does make a difference when a brand is viewing your profile to book you for an upcoming brand deal. Just by responding to comments and story replies can make a huge impact on the value your audience will have for you. This also ties back to why I think in person events are so important and can increase engagement for your business. If you want to read more on why check out my previous blog 5 Reasons Why In Person Events are Important. […]