For years I have had people reach out asking me to help them with their photography skills. From Family Friends, Photographers who are starting out, Bloggers, & Businesses to help improve their daily imagery to connect with their clients. For so long I put off offering an actual course because I felt there were enough workshops to teach photographers. From Wedding to Family Photographer workshops. In fact I have attended some and have joined online courses and felt there was nothing more I could offer that wasn’t already being done and successfully. Until I found my own niche and saw a true request and need for small business. These Small businesses needed to up their imagery game in between their professional sessions. You always need professional imagery and being in the photos is definitely key! It’s also key to delegate your tasks and details in photography I feel is one of those. However, keeping up with imagery during your every day to keep your clients engaged and updated with your business needs to look cohesive and stay on brand.
Over three years ago I transitioned my Photography Niche to Influencer, Branding & Product Photography only. I wanted to be an expert and dominate that field and each day I continuously grow to do so. So now I feel the time has come that I see a need for small businesses and I am taking action. Along with the skills of Basics to Shooting with a DSLR & Basics of Editing in Lightroom, I felt it necessary to introduce my clients to some of the top experts in our Industry . This workshop will be full of information that you will be raring to implement in to your marketing strategy. We will be working along side of you to teaching you and molding an outline to help your specific needs in your business marketing style and where you need to up your game. We can help with you it and set you in the right direction.
This workshop is in no form to replace your professional photography but to increase the quality of your every day imagery that keeps up with your businesses demand of Social Media & Online Content. This workshop will not be us standing around talking about our successes in this industry but a hands on and in action to take a step forward to improve your online presence that results in sales. After all that’s what we are working so hard for right?!
To Get the Full Workshop Schedule & Details CLICK HERE To Sign UP !
Also included in the Workshop ( FULL OUTLINE ON SIGN UP LINK)
When first considering doing the workshop I confided in my client Lee Cordon of Do Say Give. As Lee is so kind and delicate I trust her honesty & sincerity . I love how Lee is a strong business woman that has such grace and etiquette. Lee, will be discussing the impact of imagery on her business and giving insight on what sets her apart!
I'm a professional Influencer + Brand Photographer and Marketing Strategist that curates content to elevate your online and social media presence that results in an increase in sales.
Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand.