When in business there is nothing I won’t do to let my client’s know how much I value and… WANT their business. To me the most important rule in any relationship is to show you care. Having an interest in their success personally so that they see you have desire for them to have success professionally will set you apart. A thoughtful gift from a casual conversation can have a potential client ready to sign the dotted line. Recognizing little details represent to a client or a business you want to work with them and that you will notice the small details that truly matter when it comes to business. So today, I have put together some of my favorite gifts for clients that I recommend to show my appreciation and of course affirm the deal..$
My clients ultimately have and continue to make my entrepreneurial dreams come true! There is a time to say thank you from a handwritten note or a quick venmo of some lunch dollars to brighten their day. A Small gesture can go far!
Give me an hour and I will get a massage! I couldn’t be more thankful for The Now opening up by my office. Ask anyone I NEVER put myself first. I hear this alot from This year I sure am trying and through the everyday hustle and bustle I realize if I am feeling this way I know my clients have to feel the same way. Giving a gift of relaxation was the NUMBER ONE response from our survey ! Simply walking in The Now Frisco I immediately feel embraced with an amazing staff that have taken care of every detail to make you feel welcomed and relaxed.
There is a certain joy that comes to my heart when someone introduces me to a new brand or I am introduced to a new brand that I love . Cassie Sugarplum shared with me the most delicious cookies by Sparkle All Over Bakery to say thank you and I stopped in my tracks… Literally The BEST cookies to melt in my mouth and have become my new favorite thing to give those I love! True story upon my recent move my daughter and I walked to each neighbors house and delivered up a package of goodness to say hello!
I mean Vodka is a love language! You had me at Western Son!!! Okay a huge secret I am dropping…. I moved literally a few minutes away from the Western Son Distillery .. a quince a dence maybe but I sure am not mad at it! Which means I am a few steps…okay a short drive away to gifting my favorite clients that perfect little travel pack of Vodka Goodness. These make for perfect gifts to add to your client’s swag bags to say cheers to your success!
By the touch of a button you can bring a smile to someone’s face. As I am an advocate for all the wonderful and local coffee shops, here’s a few of my local go tos below.. However, Starbucks helps me share the love world wide in a swift manner to say hey you’re valued and appreciated! It’s the thought that counts and simply buying a cup coffee can add that extra zing in someone’s step. You never know when you need that extra moral boost and that coffee cash can bring a smile to your face.
Giving a gift that helps with their every day quality of life and flow can be some of the most loved gifts! I love being a resource to my clients. If I can make someone’s day easier so they are more fruitful and happy then that’s a job well done in my book. Give me all the dreamy colors with organization and style and you have Joy Creative Shop Elevated gifting and packaging.
Gifting that serves a client’s business for success! Okay I just can’t stop squealing with this amazing gift, simple, thoughtful, and it’s the little things that elevate your business creating ease for you client’s clients! These signs by Twisted 8 Designs have my networking heart on fire! Twisted 8 Can design practically anything and this gift for one of our client’s Board & Brie we feel is perfect for the new space they have grown into! If someone gave me this gift for my business that makes the process visiting my business run smoother that’s a gift worth giving that over delivers!
I hope you found this blog post fun and helpful! I love being a resource to all things Marketing, Strategy, Photography, & Content Creation. If you have a question or a topic you would love for me to discuss. Please feel free to leave something in the comments and I may come up with something just for you!
Please note all of the opinions are that of my own. Some links may be monetized. I appreciate your continued support of this blog and my business. Ally Images are Owned & copyright by Audrie Dollins Media Group LLC. Much love & Joy!
I'm a professional Influencer + Brand Photographer and Marketing Strategist that curates content to elevate your online and social media presence that results in an increase in sales.
Audrie built a reputable career as a photographer and marketing strategist. My favorite conversations are filled with truth bombs that focus on the grit of Entrepreneurship and the realities of marketing in today’s demand.
[…] generate a connection with each person. As mentioned in a previous blog regarding gifting, Gifting is an Essential Part of Doing Business, it’s essential for you to gift your employees in the same manner. It is important however to […]